Nov 12, 2010

What is my purpose???

I have been pondering for some time lately as to what my purpose is in
God's kingdom. Like typing this email, I find it difficult sometimes to
put it all together and truly make since of exactly where God is taking
me. Recently however, He has really been hammering home the fact that
if I just let go and let Him be in charge, everything works itself out.
This is very hard, nerve racking, and even TERRIFYING at times. But
again, like these emails they seem work themselves out when I let go.

Yesterday, a friend of mine asked, "How do you create these Weekly
Harvests?" Honestly, I have to say I don't. I know too many this is
going to sound freaky, creepy, or something else altogether, but many
times when I sit down I have no clue what to write. All week I could
have been in Word, praying, and even thoughtfully pondering some idea,
but at the last minute God takes me somewhere completely different.
Like now. For the first few minutes I just sat here mind racing,
clueless as to what to put down. Now my fingers are just going and I
can't take credit for where it is all coming from. Mind racing,
thoughts connecting, but it all came after I just relaxed, prayed, and
let God be in control.

So I say all this to encourage each of you out there. God has a purpose
for you too, but you have to let go and just step out of the boat if you
ever want to see His will unfold. Peter may have began to sink at the
sight of the waves around him, but he had the courage to step out of the
boat [Matt 14:22-33]. Likewise, Christ is not waiting for you to be
articulate, strong, or even some bible scholar. No….He just wants your
love and devotion and for you to let go and step out of the boat. Even
if you sink, He will be there to pull you out [v31].

Like Peter, I too have sank - See I have tried little "Word's for
thought" and email style devotions before and just fell flat on my face.
Honestly, the problem was, I was trying to be in Control. I spent more
time believing I had some talent that came from within instead of coming
from above. So how did I approach it this time around??? Well God
showed me this passage this week and I feel it is definitely appropriate
- "And so it was with me, brothers and sisters. When I came to you, I
did not come with eloquence or human wisdom as I proclaimed to you the
testimony about God. 2 For I resolved to know nothing while I was with
you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. 3 I came to you in weakness
with great fear and trembling. 4 My message and my preaching were not
with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's
power, 5 so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God's
power." ~ 1 Cor 2:1-5

To truly see His purpose revealed in our lives, we must be willing, we
must be humble, we must let go!!!

My Prayer:

Holy Father, reveal to us your purpose in our lives. Show us where we
can best serve you. Give us discernment, wisdom, and understanding as
your will begins to unfold in our life. Help us to be courageous enough
to step out of the boat, but humble enough to keep our eyes constantly
on you. It is your son's precious and holy name that we pray. AMEN!

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