Sep 24, 2010

Run Awaaaaaay!!!

How many of you have ever seen Monty Python's "Holy Grail"? If you
have, then you probably remember that famous and funny quote, "Run away,
knights…Run awaaaaaay!"

I found this quote ringing in my ears this morning as I was praying
about what to write. See the last couple of weeks at my church we have
been going over the Book of Jonah, and personally at home I have been
reading the book entitled, "The Hole in the Our Gospel" by Richard
Sterns. In both these stories the men are faced with a serious
challenges – are you willing to do God's will no matter what the cost.

With Jonah, his personal feelings towards the Ninevite's got in the way,
because he felt that such deplorable people were outside of God's grace
and that they should not even be given a chance to redeem
themselves….and so he ran. With Richard Sterns, his comfort zone got in
the way, as he reflects on leaving a million dollar job as CEO of Lenox
(upscale fine china distro) to follow God's call to be the President of
World Vision. Giving up the money, the comfort, the perfect house,
wonderful schools, and in his mind the perfect life - did not make since
in order to travel around the world to various third world countries in
the hope of saving lives….and so he ran.

Sep 17, 2010

Blind Side

Our pastor started a new series last Sunday entitled Blind Side. During
the opening of his presentation we listened intently as Sandra Bullock
narrated the start of the movie titled by the same name. She walked us
through Joe Theismann's career ending play, where he suffered a compound
fracture, brought on when he was hit blind-sided by Lawrence Taylor.
The story goes on to outline how important it is to have a strong left
tackle and how vital their role is in protecting the QB.

My wife is my left tackle. She is awesome at what she does, and I love
her "more than my arms can stretch". She doesn't get paid at all what
she is worth, but she does the job regardless. I say she is my left
tackle (especially spiritually) because she sees what I don't. When I
mess up in my day to day walk with God, she sees it even if I don't.
When God is saying run this play and I decide to do it my own way, she
lets me know. This weekend was no different.

Sep 7, 2010

Deep Sea Fishing

First let me start my extending my deepest apologies. I realized when I woke up on Thursday morning to my much needed labor day vacation, that I had not sent the Morning Fruit distro to my home email. That being said, I didnt want to piece meal it and end up missing someone so I just decided to take the much needed vacation and rest from everything. You will be happy to know however, that Tyrone Wheeler and I, have been diligently working on taking this to the web where we hope to open up several other opportunities in addition to theMorning Fruit. Please keep your eyes open for the Grand Opening email. Well without further delay here is this evenings Afternoon Fruit.

In Mark 4:19, Jesus said to His apostles, many of whom were fisherman -Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men. This resonated in their hearts and minds and was completely understood, but I catch myself wondering from time to time, if I fully get it. I say this because too many times in my walk I have found myself fishing for trophies and not fishing for men.

Sep 1, 2010

Cruise Control

Did any of you look up this morning and see that sky? I hope so.

Well today is Sept 1st my oldest Sons B-Day. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHAUN!!!! He is now 13 years old and boy does this terrify me. He is a great kid with a sound head on his shoulders, but I keep waiting for the bomb to drop. I see all my friends and the wonderful experiences they have with their teenagers and wonder when the fun will begin. Remembering back to before he was born, I hear me and my wife discussing parenting styles and proclaiming how we will never be likethose parents, and that our kids will be so much better.blah, blah, blah. 5 kids later - I will never, ever, ever ridicule another parent again and laugh at others when they do. This is simply because it is not easy; it is a challenge; and at times a lot of fun.

However, it too can be is also painful; sometimes scaring; and not always roses and rainbows. For example - the first time your little one says they dont love you; You may keep a stern face, but deep down inside your heart breaks. Or when your child is in pain and you cant help them overcome it. Or when you go all out to make something special for them and they either toss it to the side or keep asking for more. So how do we do it?