Sep 12, 2011

Are you ready for Battle?

As you do your best daily to put on the full Armor of God, it is humbling to see yourself, your failures, and the worst parts of your past come to life in your children.  Anyone out there having a teenager will understand this one.  You talk, and talk, and talk, and talk, till you turn 3 shades of blue, but to no avail.  Soooo desperately you want to shake them awake.  If only you could let them see into your mind in order to catch just a glimpse and absorb even a little of the wisdom you have gained from past heart aches, mistakes, and failures.  You try to share and they nod along; but days later you are looking at a repeat episode like Nick @Night reruns. 

  Eph 6:10-20

I yearn to give them my Armor.  But my helmet of salvation, they cannot have - I can only tell them where to get their own.  My shield of Faith, though it wards off my own demons, does nothing against theirs.  The mighty sword of the spirit, can aid them if they allow me to wield it, but unless they are willing to bare their own, the battle is short lived.  The belt of truth falls at their feet if they are not willing to make the effort to cinch it up.  Righteousness is the very desire you have for their life, but their chest is left exposed as their breastplate lays upon the ground.  Looking at their feet, you see them bare and unready.

I know many of you are struggling with this, but remember our Father in heaven in many ways struggles with this as well.  Time again, we (his children) have refused His help, even the ultimate help of salvation in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Christ is our armor in every sense of the word, but many of us refuse Him, much like our children refuse our help, our wisdom, our guidance.  It pains our Lord to be separated from His children, as it pains you and I to be so distant from our own.   

So what do we do???

We stand and fight!  Share the word with them as much as possible.  Lead from the front, not from the rear.  "Be joyful always, pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." ~ 1 Thess 5:16-18.  In other words set the example.

Yes I too, have a difficult time with this one.  "Do what I say not do as I do",  I always say.  But is that what God always says.  I have to admit it is painful to write these words because I feel God reading me like a book as I type.  That is life I guess, and if I expect my son to love, honor, and obey me, then I must first start with the "man in the mirror."

Our Prayer:
Lord God give me the knowledge and wisdom to lead my children as you lead me.  Help me to be loving and kind, but stern and strong when necessary.  Guide me in your truth, and help me to start the change with myself.  May I submit to you, as I pray someday my kids will do as well.  Thank you for giving me the Armor of my Life in Christ Jesus!  AMEN.


Sep 2, 2011

Busy Bee

Got this from a dear friend and I asked if I could share it.  Modified slightly for ease of reading.

  I was sitting on my front steps watching a bee find nectar on a nearby flower.  Definitely feel like God is showing me to persevere in the work He has called me too, because through Him, I will produce a honey that others can enjoy.  God wants me to work hard just like this little bee.

  Then I saw a fly land on the same plant looking for nectar.  Both were striving for the same cause.  Both looking very similar: multiple legs; 2 wings; round head; but one works for his own good while the other works so that others can enjoy the fruit of his labor (Honey).

[...produce fruit that will last] ~ John 15:16a

Our Prayer:
God, help me to be like the bee, deligently working to serve others for you.  By the power of the Holy Spirit, guide me to the flowers (people) in which a bontiful harvest can be yielded for your kingdom.  Help me to be a "busy bee", but not to get caught up in mere busy work.  AMEN!!!

Aug 2, 2011

Out of Control


The last few months have felt like a roller coaster ride for me and my family.  I could bore you with the details, but that is not what is important here.  The importance is the lessons learned, the reconciliation, the journey home. 

All throughout the word the Lord speaks of idol worship.  I believe in many ways the worst idol that we succumb to is our own selves.  Greed, envy, pride, are jealously are just a few of core character flaws that reflect this sense of entitlement in ourselves, many times resulting in bitterness.  This bitterness can be toward those around us, our family, friends, and YES even our Father in heaven.  Why does bitterness become the byproduct?  Because we want to be in control.

God has patiently shown me over these last few months how much I have wanted to be in control.  Gently he has nudged at me and shown me that if I truly want to walk with Him, I have to let go...I can’t be the one in control.  But transfer of control is not always easy, and so I believe sometimes God slowly turns the volume up until we can’t hear ourselves anymore and the only voice resonating within our ears is His own.  The funny thing is, when we finally truly here it, it is the song we want to hear. 

I was driving in to work yesterday, asking God for reconciliation in our relationship.  Giving myself to Him, asking Him to take full control, wondering how long this journey in the desert would be.  This is what God gave me:

This was the first song I heard and He told me I was Strong Enough.

The was the second song and He told me to Get Back Up Again


Then He brought it altogether with Psalm 121.  He showed me where my focus needs to be, that He is always watching over me, that He never sleeps, and I just have to realize HE is in control.

Isn't it freeing to be "Out of control" when it comes to yourself, because you know that He is fully in control.  Try being out of control this week!

Our prayer:

Lord I submit to you all that I am.  Father, take complete and total control of my life.  Forgive me for my selfishness, greed, envy, pride, malice, jealousy, and bitterness.  Wash these flaws from me and show me how to let go and give myself totally over to you.  I thank you for your grace through the blood of Christ, that washes even these sins away.  It is in the precious and Holy name of your son Jesus, that I pray.  Amen!!! 

Apr 11, 2011

What would you do for your children?


I was listening to the radio on the way into work and the anchor was talking how the First Lady Michelle Obama had commented that President Obama had stopped smoking, and She said "he wants to be able to look daughters Malia, 12, and Sasha, 9, in the eye and deny that he smokes should they ask."

What would you do for your children?  You always here people say that they would do anything for their children.  I may have even said it a few times myself, but when I sit back and really think about it, I would have to say that I may falter in doing anything for my children, based on my feelings.

To my knowledge and I am a very knowledgeable guy (even though it drives my wife crazy when I say things like that :-D ), but God through Jesus Christ is the only person who gave all for someone else.

In John 3:16 (NIV), it states "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."  In that one act God gave everything he had for us, even before we were born, and all we have to do is accept his Son (Jesus Christ) to have everlasting life. 

Why did I even think about talking about this as a subject, well that is simple?  I am a father and I have the pleasure of raising three gorgeous daughters with my wife (no, I will not put any embarrassing pictures up of the girls, but if you friend me on Facebook you can see them :-); I know I am a great father, but I make mistakes, like forgetting to put my daughters clothes in the dryer after she asked me to do it just before she goes to bed and she tells me she needs them for the next day and I totally forget.  Or I am suppose to go by the store to pick up something they need for a project and I get tunnel vision and head straight to the house from work.  We are all born into sin and there is only one remedy.  Jesus Christ!

Rom 10:9-10 (NIV) says If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.

1 John 1:9 (NIV) says If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

When we accept Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior we become one of God's children and are entitled to all the rights inherent in that, and God does not make mistakes or forgets his promises to us.  So if you do not know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, I encourage you to accept him into your life and join the Family of God.


Mar 31, 2011

Do I have what it takes

First a quick note before I begin this weeks post.  I noticed from the stat count that several people have viewed last weeks post (thanks by the way), without ever reading the testimony.  After talking to Tyrone I realized that it may not have been as obvious as I had hoped.  The "My Testimony" on that page was actually a hyperlink to my testimony.  If it was by choice so be it, but I just wanted to let everyone know that you may have over looked that link.  Now that I look at it, I would probably have overlooked it as well....but of course I wrote it - 8^)

So what has been on my mine this week?  Well from the subject you can probably figure it out.  I think all us men struggle in this area, and if you are like me then it probably plagues you more than you would like.  I guess lately for me it has been in the area of ministry as well as discipleship in regards to my boys.  These are the two areas that I feel like I am failing in daily.  And I guess when it really boils down to it, the truth is - it is all about faith.

Remember Abraham was given a similar ministry as we are today.  He was told that he would be the father to many nations - "Look up at the heavens and count the stars if indeed you could count them.....So shall your offspring be." ~ Gen 15:5  The only thing was that out of all this, he would only see one child from which this covenant would be answered and yet he died before seeing this son produce an heir.  It had to take tremendous faith in order to serve without ever seeing results.  I guess that is why in verse 6 God credits Abraham's belief as righteousness.

I have to say I stand in awe of this.  This week as I stated, I have struggled in this area.  Pouring into ministry, pouring into my boys, until sometimes I feel poured out.  Then I look back expecting to see the planted seed sprout, or the watered seed flourish and grow, but to my sadness only bare soil lay before me.  And yes, I know....only God can make it grow, but it doesn't make it any less disappointing.  My heart aches to see the Lord flourish in my boys and in those men to which I share Him daily.  I find myself in tears some days wondering if I have failed in some way, wondering what is the next step, how can it all be fixed.  Then I realize that these feelings are only helping doubt grasp a foothold.  Like Abraham, I must be willing to give every bit of my being into the service of the Lord without ever expecting to see the reward in this life time.

Abraham was willing to give it all in the service of the Lord and had ultimate faith in the Lord's word.  I mean think about it for a minute - God promised Abraham that the His covenant with him would come through Isaac.  So as Abraham walked up on to that mountain, ready to sacrifice his son, his faith shined.  Are you hearing me?  His faith was so great, because he believed that God would raise his son from the dead.  Because if the covenant was with Isaac and Abraham was charged with sacrificing his son, what other option would there be?  Tremendous faith in what one cannot see.  I pray that God grows that kind of faith in me.  Like the doubting father states in Mark 9:24 - "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!"

Our Prayer:

Oh mighty father of Abraham, teach us to believe as he did.  Guide us in your truth.  Teach us wisdom to discern your ways, to lead others in your truth, and love unconditionally.  Help us to seek you in our doubt, to depend on you and not ourselves.  May your blessings being upon us always.  In Christ's name we pray.  AMEN!

Mar 13, 2011

Microphone check - one, two, one, two

For those of you that may have grew up in the '80s, today's title may sound a little familiar.  You may have heard it recited in the lyrics to a song, stated before the opening of concert, or simply used to test out that wonderful device we call the Microphone.

If you think about it, the microphone is a unique instrument in the arsenal of musicians, politicians, or other popular figures.  Without it, crowds dwindle and words just do not reach the ears of all those that are present.  Seems to me that the microphone has a very important job.

Well I got the idea for today's post from a friend of mine at Bible Study last Saturday.  There he spoke of attending a Whitney Houston concert where her voice resonated throughout the crowd and was in complete harmony with the instruments.  Listening to her, you could truly just stand in awe of her gift.  The interesting part that really caught my attention was when he stated that he never really noticed the microphone.

See the microphone has no real power, yet it is the instrument by which the song or message is heard by the masses.  I believe we are God's microphone(s).  People are to see His power, His Glory, His love, as we carry His message to the crowds He places before us.  The message He has given us is our own redemption, our own personal testimony.  SHARE IT!!!  In Mark 5:19 - Jesus tells the healed man, once demon-possessed, "Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you."

So here is My Testimony.  It is a bit long so grab something to drink and snack on.  Hopefully God will bless you in reading it as He did in my journey through it.

Now I challenge each of you to pick a person this week to share your testimony with.  Pray about it and God will open the door.

Our Prayer:
God help us to be bold this week, to step out of our comfort zones and share your truth in our lives with another.  Give us each the courage to step out of the boat, ignore the waves of life, focus on you, and share our story.  Thank you for your love, and how that love created our testimony.  Praise be your name in the highest!  AMEN.

Feb 28, 2011


Well I figured I would start out with something light this week.  This is a joke that one of my coworkers shared the other day.  I hope you enjoy it.

A new pastor was visiting the homes of his parishioners.  At one house it seemed obvious that someone was at home, but no answer came to his repeated knocks at the door.  Therefore, he took out a card and wrote Rev 3:20 on the back of it and stuck it in the door.

When the offering was processed the following Sunday, he found that his card had been returned.  Added to it was this cryptic message, Gen 3:10.  Reaching for his Bible to check out the citation, he broke up in gales of laughter.

There is a punch line here, but I have intentionally left it out.  Our goal here is to encourage each of you to spend more time in His Word so hopefully by reading each verse you will get it and end up the same way as the pastor.  Comment if you need help.

Our Prayer:
God - please bless each of our readers, unlocking your will in each of their lives.  Help them to see your strength and realize they can do amazing things in you.  Give them the strength and determination to step out in faith, in Jesus name we pray.  AMEN!

Feb 13, 2011

Crazy lil thing called LOVE!!!

Well tomorrow is the BIG day and at this point you have either been proactive and celebrated early; you're ready for the big moment; or you are scrambling now to get ready. Regardless of your preparation techniques, Valentines is coming tomorrow.

I always find this time of year interesting, because with 5 kids it has been difficult over the years to plan anything on this day. Many years I have to confess, the day has passed by without a thought. My wife and I both agree that celebrating your love for each other once a year is a bit absurd.  It is like going to church on just Easter and Christmas to say you love the Lord.  What kind of love does that really show?  But this year, I felt God calling me to something more.

Ultimately I felt Him saying, "If you love me then you will demonstrate your love to your wife." He emphasized the fact that, "if you truly love your wife, give it over to Me and I will make it happen."  So I did...I prayed about it long and hard - Before, during, and after (yes we celebrated early).   God began to show me how I could truly pour out my love to my wife and it was amazing how God's plan unfolded.  He is truly an Awesome God!  

So in my mind it was the Best Valentine's ever, but if you want the full story, you'll have to ask my wife via the comments section, because otherwise it would just be my prideful boasting. 

Tuxedo Strawberries in a matching
rice crispie basket.
 Anyway, there was a much deeper message that God was calling me to see here.  See if you truly love your spouse, then you will love them the way God has called you to.  So what does that mean?  Well the word tells us that a "[Husband, should love his wife], just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her..." ~ Eph 5:25.  This to me is one of the most powerful statements of the Bible.  Men, we are called to be: selfless, sacrificial, humble, loving, kind, not condemning, and full of Grace - simply because these are all the very characteristics that Christ has for us....the church.

So here is the hard question we have to ask ourselves when we truly give ourselves over to this verse - Do you love your spouse the way Christ's loves the church?  I know this is a hard question to deal with, because God is asking it of me right now.  But, the truth still remains that this is what God calls us to.  This is why we need Christ so much.  Because we cannot possibly love as He does without Him.  "We loved because He first loved us."    ~ 1 John 4:19.

If this is hitting a sore spot, then ask God to show you how You can change your character to reflect that of Christ.  Don't pray, fix my husband or fix my wife.  These types of prayer only show more flaws in our own character.  To truly show His love we must be willing to die to self, which means putting them first, as He did for us.

Our Prayer:
"God, May you show us how to love our spouse's as you love us.  Your love is the Greatest there is and that there ever was.  May we live out our love for you in the very way we love our wives / husbands.  Soften our hearts so that you may pour into us your full blessing.  Chip away at the flaws of our character that keep us from loving as you do.  It is in your son's Holy and Magnificent name that we pray.  AMEN!

Feb 2, 2011

What if I stumble???

My oldest son and I departed for his 9th grade high school orientation earlier this evening.  Before we left, I could see the nervousness in his eyes and tried to reassure him that all would be o.k.  I believe my words fell on his ears like the WAH-WAH-WAAAH-WAAAAHs of Charlie Brown's teacher.  Regardless I pressed on, so I jumped in the car and off we sped to his new school.

Sitting through the intros and briefings he started to warm up to it all, and before we knew it we were on the tour and then out the door.  I took the long way home so that I could speak with him on what was to come, expectations, and to try and instill a little bit of encouragement.  I told him how important his attitude toward school is to his future, how these four years go by like a day - so make the day count. 

So I encouraged him to try new things, "[be bold and do what others won't or discourage you from doing.]"  But the one thing I told him that was most important over school itself, was his relationship with God.  He could do it all, be the best student, get the best grades, or even be a super jock, but those things won't matter if His relationship with God is non-existent.  Continuing I explained how God will get him through the tough times, the hard challenges, and life in general...He will be there when we fall to pick us up.

That of course took me back to my quiet time today in Luke 22:31-32.  In this passage, Christ is speaking to Simon (Peter) and he says, 31 “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. 32 But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers."  What I found so impressive with this is that Christ knew that Peter would go back to his old ways (so he calls him Simon), and emphasizes that his failure was certain.  But that doesn't stop Christ from loving him.  No....because he knows Peter's heart and realizes that he will return to him (the relationship), and when he does, he encourages him to strengthen others.

When we fail - he will pick us up too; brush us off; and send us out to help others.  But without the relationship, sometimes it can feel like we are all alone in process.  So I echo, "Come near to God and he will come near to you..." ~ James 4:8.  Draw into him, through the GOOD TIMES as well as the BAD.

I think DC Talk hits it home with these lyrics -

What if I stumble, what if I fall?
What if I lose my step and I make fools of us all?
Will the love continue when my walk becomes a crawl?
What if I stumble, and what if I fall?
I hear You whispering my name. You say,
"My love for You will never change".

He whispers so that we will quite our souls and LISTEN.  He waits for us to draw in to Him, because His Love has and will never change. 

Our Prayer:
Lord God, be with my oldest son this coming school year and help guide him in his journey.  Most importantly open his eyes to you O'Lord, that he will walk faithfully with you all the days of his life.  Be there when he stumbles to strengthen his faith as you raise him up out of it.  Be with those that are reading this that have faced similar struggles in their own life or the life of a loved one.  Give them ears to hear your voice, the wisdom to discern your ways, and the strength to persevere.  In Christ's precious and Holy Name. AMEN!

In Him,

Jan 24, 2011

Who will tell His story?

This entry may be a little different than what you are used to, but I just wanted to share something with all of you that may be reluctant to participate fully in the blog. I was perusing other blogs trying to find a way to increase the "eye candy" of our blog and figure out a way to get more people to want to visit and interact with this blog.

The Weekly Harvest blog has been online for about a month now, although it has been in existence for almost 6 months by email, and very few have subscribed, but they still ask about the emails of the postings.

I came across a blog named Who will tell their story, a blog about orphan photographs that the blogger has found throughout her travels that hopefully can be reunited with their rightful families.  That got me to thinking, everyone who is without Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior is an orphan, and it is every Christian's job to find the orphans and let them know that their Heavenly Father God wants them back in the family and to no longer be orphans, but heirs (Galations 3:14) to the promise of Abraham (Genesis 17:1-7) with Jesus Christ, His Son.

This blog is one way we all can reach others and tell them about the goodness of God and Jesus Christ and how they too can have eternal life through Him.  In John 14:6,  Jesus said to him (responding to Thomas' question), I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no one comes to the Father but by Me. This blog is not just for Mitch and Myself, but a way for all of us to reach those that are lost that we may never meet face to face, but by our interaction on this blog we can assist others in seeking Christ, by telling His story through our lives and experiences.  In the very next verse (John 14:7), Jesus says, If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also. And from now on you know Him and have seen Him.  This same statement that Jesus made should be able to be said by all Christians, if someone knows you, they should also know God and Jesus Christ through your works and actions.  Let us all come together to help share Jesus' message to the world.

I pray that this message finds you well and walking in divine favor and health.

Jan 19, 2011

Standing at Water's Edge

Isn't it funny how God has a way of opening doors for us sometimes when we are hoping they stay shut.  God wants us to do something in our lives and though we may here the call we avoid it like the plague due to fear, past hurts, anger, or unresolved emotions.

Many of you that have been reading WH, probably all remember the Lumber Yard post back in December, where I stated God was calling me to resolve some past misunderstandings, judgments, and unresolved emotions (shame) with mentors of my past. I have done so many times in my past I began to drag my feet.  Honestly, I wanted to do it, but I believe now that subconsciously I was avoiding it out of fear.  Fear of embarrassment, the fear of rejection, fear of judgment from them, and downright shame.

Well you will be happy to know, that like Jonah being swallowed by a whale and taken to Nineveh to spit out on the shore, or like the Hebrews that doubted God but then stood with Moses before a gapping Red Sea with a decision of whether or not to cross, I too was brought to the water's edge then left with a decision.

See Last Monday the guy that first mentored me just suddenly texted me out of the blue.  At first I hesitated in calling him back, but after a little prayer I was assured that God would get me through it as he always does.  So I picked up my cellphone and called him back.  Honestly, I was hoping at first he wouldn't pick up, but then when he finally did; the healing process began.

How great is our God!  I left that conversation feeling more alive and on fire for the Lord than I have felt in a long time.  Every word that my friend spoke was one of encouragement and healing.  When we were finally about to bring it all to an end, he asked if he could pray for me and I said yes.  Those words he spoke washed over me and just reassured me that in light of all my failures God still loves me unconditionally and will never leave me nor forsake me.

Now to many of you out there this may seem all a bit coincidental, but the story is not yet over.  See about two days or so after that I got a letter in the mail from my second mentor.  This was the guy that I connected with when I first arrived here in DC after leaving Ft Campbell.  The funny thing if you will, is that he sent the letter on the 24th of December, but due to misdirection and the wrong address it didn't arrive till now.  Even more funny is the fact that I hadn't heard from him in quite some time either.  Coincidence....I think not.

God is amazing and He will gently place you on the waters edge at different points in your life to see where your heart truly resides.  Whether you are standing before Nineveh with disdain, or looking up at the colossal walls of the Red Sea with fear in your heart, God just wants one thing - For us to give our hearts over to His Lordship.  To let go of the past, the anger, the fear, and just trust that He will guide you through it all.  He opens the door for us and sometimes we just have to step through it to see the truth unfold.

While writing this I reviewed Jonah's prayer and a interesting verse stood out to me:

"What I have vowed I will make good. I will say, ‘Salvation comes from the LORD.’” 10 And the LORD commanded the fish, and it vomited Jonah onto dry land." ~ Jonah 2:9b-10

Once Jonah submitted to God's Lordship, he was released from his bondage, and the Lord sent him forth to continue His work.  So ask you today, is there any unresolved issues keeping you from doing what God's called you to do?  Is there someone you need to make amends with so that God will open your eyes to your own personal blessing?  Do it won't be sorry!!!

Our Prayer:
Dearest Father, may we learn to rely on you in all our ways.  May we be convicted to reconciliation with all our brothers and sisters the way we we seek to reconcile with you.  Give us wisdom to discern the door as it opens, and the strength to overcome our fear to take that first step.  May we bring honor and glory to you forever and ever.  AMEN!

Jan 6, 2011

I was Runnin'

Most of you are probably quite familiar with this week's Title as it is a famous quote from the movie, Forrest Gump.  In the movie, Tom Hanks plays the part of Forrest, a simple Alabama man who as a child is struck with scoliosis and must use leg braces to straighten his back.  Of course his lack of intelligence and medical condition make him the brunt of many attacks by the local bullies.  So one day on his way home from school, the bullies attempt to attack and while trying to get away from yet another attack, he breaks free of his leg braces and comes to the realization that he can run like the wind.  He states, that at that point in his life, if he were going somewhere, "I was runnin' ."

I mention this at the dawning of this new year as we begin to think of resolutions and other changes we would like to make in our life.  See a visiting pastor made a very strong observation this last Sunday at my church that made me think of this story.  He was covering the book of Hebrew's, more specifically chapter 12 verses 1-3.  In these first verses, the author states the following:

" 1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart."

Simply put we should be running in our faith.  Remember when you first came to know the Lord.  I do, what a joyous occasion.  I got involved in a church, Bible study, asked a friend to mentor me, and told almost everyone I met about the change in my life.  It was like I was running back and forth across the U.S. without stopping.  Now almost 8 years later the fire has died down, life has taken hold, and the run has now become more of a brisk walk.  I wouldn't say the fire has burned out by any means but I know many of you have probably been through times in life like I have where you feel this is the case.  If that is the case for you now, or has been recently I would simply ask you to reread verse 3.  For as we ponder the opposition our Lord faced in order that our sins would be eternally paid for, it makes most things we endure seem a bit meaningless.  

When we contemplate whether or not we can endure, we simply remember Him, His endurance; and remember that He is here now to help us persevere.  So I challenge each of you this year to pick up the set a goal in the Lord.  If you haven't been in the Word, then make that your first resolution to get into a daily "quiet time".  If prayer is your sore back, then massage it out by asking God daily to show you how (pray).  If you are feeling spiritually alone at work and are wondering how you can possibly reach those around you...just start sharing and asking God to present you with opportunities to share more and watch what happens (this is exactly how weekly harvest was born).  If you need fellowship, seek it (Ask, Seek, Knock).  But above all remember your Lord endured first, so that you could finish the last leg of the race.  Run hard, for He awaits you at the finish line.

Interesting Quote I read this week:

"Live in such a way that those who know you but don't know [Christ], will come to know [Christ] because the know you."

~  sign seen in country store in Westminster, Maryland.  The word God replaced w/ [Christ] as I feel the same is implied.

My Prayer:

Dearest Father, give me the strength to endure and run the race this year like never before.  Show me my weaknesses so that in you they may be grown into strengths.  Help those that read this to seek you like never before.  I pray we all will be marathon runners in the faith.  In Christ's Holy and precious name I pray.  Amen!