Most of you are probably quite familiar with this week's Title as it is a famous quote from the movie, Forrest Gump. In the movie, Tom Hanks plays the part of Forrest, a simple Alabama man who as a child is struck with scoliosis and must use leg braces to straighten his back. Of course his lack of intelligence and medical condition make him the brunt of many attacks by the local bullies. So one day on his way home from school, the bullies attempt to attack and while trying to get away from yet another attack, he breaks free of his leg braces and comes to the realization that he can run like the wind. He states, that at that point in his life, if he were going somewhere, "I was runnin' ."
I mention this at the dawning of this new year as we begin to think of resolutions and other changes we would like to make in our life. See a visiting pastor made a very strong observation this last Sunday at my church that made me think of this story. He was covering the book of Hebrew's, more specifically chapter 12 verses 1-3. In these first verses, the author states the following:
" 1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart."
Simply put we should be running in our faith. Remember when you first came to know the Lord. I do, what a joyous occasion. I got involved in a church, Bible study, asked a friend to mentor me, and told almost everyone I met about the change in my life. It was like I was running back and forth across the U.S. without stopping. Now almost 8 years later the fire has died down, life has taken hold, and the run has now become more of a brisk walk. I wouldn't say the fire has burned out by any means but I know many of you have probably been through times in life like I have where you feel this is the case. If that is the case for you now, or has been recently I would simply ask you to reread verse 3. For as we ponder the opposition our Lord faced in order that our sins would be eternally paid for, it makes most things we endure seem a bit meaningless.
When we contemplate whether or not we can endure, we simply remember Him, His endurance; and remember that He is here now to help us persevere. So I challenge each of you this year to pick up the set a goal in the Lord. If you haven't been in the Word, then make that your first resolution to get into a daily "quiet time". If prayer is your sore back, then massage it out by asking God daily to show you how (pray). If you are feeling spiritually alone at work and are wondering how you can possibly reach those around you...just start sharing and asking God to present you with opportunities to share more and watch what happens (this is exactly how weekly harvest was born). If you need fellowship, seek it (Ask, Seek, Knock). But above all remember your Lord endured first, so that you could finish the last leg of the race. Run hard, for He awaits you at the finish line.
Interesting Quote I read this week:
"Live in such a way that those who know you but don't know [Christ], will come to know [Christ] because the know you."
~ sign seen in country store in Westminster, Maryland. The word God replaced w/ [Christ] as I feel the same is implied.
My Prayer:
Dearest Father, give me the strength to endure and run the race this year like never before. Show me my weaknesses so that in you they may be grown into strengths. Help those that read this to seek you like never before. I pray we all will be marathon runners in the faith. In Christ's Holy and precious name I pray. Amen!
Very true indeed, Mitch. Thank you for this reminder :)
PS.. I love that quote.. and I've always seen it as having "Christ" in it.
Thanks for your comments.
As for the quote - one of my friends at work passes on her Guideposts magazines when she is done. It has some very interesting quotes in it. My favorite was actually from Max Lucado:
"Are you on the eve of change? Embrace it. Accept it. Don't resist it. Change is not only a part of life, change is a necessary part of God's strategy. To use us to change the world, he alters our assignements."
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