Jan 24, 2011

Who will tell His story?

This entry may be a little different than what you are used to, but I just wanted to share something with all of you that may be reluctant to participate fully in the blog. I was perusing other blogs trying to find a way to increase the "eye candy" of our blog and figure out a way to get more people to want to visit and interact with this blog.

The Weekly Harvest blog has been online for about a month now, although it has been in existence for almost 6 months by email, and very few have subscribed, but they still ask about the emails of the postings.

I came across a blog named Who will tell their story, a blog about orphan photographs that the blogger has found throughout her travels that hopefully can be reunited with their rightful families.  That got me to thinking, everyone who is without Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior is an orphan, and it is every Christian's job to find the orphans and let them know that their Heavenly Father God wants them back in the family and to no longer be orphans, but heirs (Galations 3:14) to the promise of Abraham (Genesis 17:1-7) with Jesus Christ, His Son.

This blog is one way we all can reach others and tell them about the goodness of God and Jesus Christ and how they too can have eternal life through Him.  In John 14:6,  Jesus said to him (responding to Thomas' question), I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no one comes to the Father but by Me. This blog is not just for Mitch and Myself, but a way for all of us to reach those that are lost that we may never meet face to face, but by our interaction on this blog we can assist others in seeking Christ, by telling His story through our lives and experiences.  In the very next verse (John 14:7), Jesus says, If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also. And from now on you know Him and have seen Him.  This same statement that Jesus made should be able to be said by all Christians, if someone knows you, they should also know God and Jesus Christ through your works and actions.  Let us all come together to help share Jesus' message to the world.

I pray that this message finds you well and walking in divine favor and health.

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