First a quick note before I begin this weeks post. I noticed from the
stat count that several people have viewed last weeks post (thanks by the way),
without ever reading the testimony. After talking to Tyrone I realized
that it may not have been as obvious as I had hoped. The "My
Testimony" on that page was actually a hyperlink to my testimony. If
it was by choice so be it, but I just wanted to let everyone know that you may
have over looked that link. Now that I look at it, I would probably have overlooked
it as well....but of course I wrote it - 8^)
So what has been on my mine this week? Well from the subject you can
probably figure it out. I think all us men struggle in this area, and if
you are like me then it probably plagues you more than you would like. I
guess lately for me it has been in the area of ministry as well as discipleship
in regards to my boys. These are the two areas that I feel like I am
failing in daily. And I guess when it really boils down to it, the truth
is - it is all about faith.
Remember Abraham was given a similar ministry as we are today. He was
told that he would be the father to many nations - "Look up at the heavens
and count the stars if indeed you could count them.....So shall your offspring
be." ~ Gen 15:5 The only thing was that out of all this, he would
only see one child from which this covenant would be answered and yet he died
before seeing this son produce an heir. It had to take tremendous faith
in order to serve without ever seeing results. I guess that is why in
verse 6 God credits Abraham's belief as righteousness.
I have to say I stand in awe of this. This week as I stated, I have
struggled in this area. Pouring into ministry, pouring into my boys,
until sometimes I feel poured out. Then I look back expecting to see the
planted seed sprout, or the watered seed flourish and grow, but to my sadness
only bare soil lay before me. And yes, I know....only God can make it
grow, but it doesn't make it any less disappointing. My heart aches to
see the Lord flourish in my boys and in those men to which I share Him daily.
I find myself in tears some days wondering if I have failed in some way,
wondering what is the next step, how can it all be fixed. Then I realize
that these feelings are only helping doubt grasp a foothold. Like
Abraham, I must be willing to give every bit of my being into the service of
the Lord without ever expecting to see the reward in this life time.
Abraham was willing to give it all in the service of the Lord and had
ultimate faith in the Lord's word. I mean think about it for a minute -
God promised Abraham that the His covenant with him would come through
Isaac. So as Abraham walked up on to that mountain, ready to sacrifice
his son, his faith shined. Are you hearing me? His faith was so
great, because he believed that God would raise his son from the dead.
Because if the covenant was with Isaac and Abraham was charged with sacrificing
his son, what other option would there be? Tremendous faith in what one
cannot see. I pray that God grows that kind of faith in me. Like
the doubting father states in Mark 9:24 - "I do believe; help me overcome
my unbelief!"
Our Prayer:
Oh mighty father of Abraham, teach us to believe as he did. Guide us
in your truth. Teach us wisdom to discern your ways, to lead others in
your truth, and love unconditionally. Help us to seek you in our doubt,
to depend on you and not ourselves. May your blessings being upon us
always. In Christ's name we pray. AMEN!
Ok I am going to request linda to be a guest writer in raising girls....I am excited to see the path our girls are on and pray they keep their eyes up for their direction
Funny thing is, our girls appear to be on the right path and on fire for the Lord. Hannah loves Jesus. And if opening your Daddy's Bible every chance you get and scattering is notes and pens all over the floor is a sign of loving the Word, then Bethany is going to be the head of Women's Ministry....LOL. But seriously, I think I feel more pressure with the oldest boys because they spent 8 years in a fallen worldly home. Once their parents woke up and turned to the Lord much of our efforts were focused on us getting up to speed and hoping our kids would learn along the way. If I had to do it over again, I feel I definitely would have focused my energy a bit differently. Anyway, time is short with these two and so more of my stories tend to focus in that direction. I do want to get Linda on board here, and maybe if she gets enough fan mail she will jump on board. I can't speak for her though. Thanks Jonnie as always for your comments, and we really miss you!
Mitch - don't stress about your boys.. just continue to set a loving example and they will follow. Children learn by example. Your Christlike example will be embedded in their hearts and they will always know to live in light.
I'm facing surgery tomorrow, removal of cancer from the left breast, I love the Lord, pray, read the word, and yet I'm scared of the unknown, doubt, fear, the what if! Yet, when I read your story about doubt, and having a great faith, my heart became stronger, the peace entered my heart. Yes, the Lord has already Blessed surgeons, nurses, removal of the cancer, healing in my body, and most importantly, drew me to him like never before. Am I human, you bet, but when I remember scripture and God's faithfulness to complete His work in me, that he is my refuge, strong tower and I can hide under His wings, what comfort. Thank you for sharing this amazing journey you are on. I to have to fight discouragement, doubt, fear...but Jesus already knew this and places people, stories, the Word, in my path to lift me up.
Erin thanks for your kind comments. You are an encouragement as always. I missed your comments, glad to see you back again!
@Anonymous - all I can say is WOW!!! There is no little story in my arsenal that can compare to a testimony like that. Thank you so much for being bold and sharing what is going on in your life right now. I pray that you are a light to those who tend to you in the hospital. May those far from Him, see His light once more in you and run to Him. Take care and our prayers are for your speedy recovery.
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