This entry may be a little different than what you are used to, but I just wanted to share something with all of you that may be reluctant to participate fully in the blog. I was perusing other blogs trying to find a way to increase the "eye candy" of our blog and figure out a way to get more people to want to visit and interact with this blog.
The Weekly Harvest blog has been online for about a month now, although it has been in existence for almost 6 months by email, and very few have subscribed, but they still ask about the emails of the postings.
I came across a blog named Who will tell their story, a blog about orphan photographs that the blogger has found throughout her travels that hopefully can be reunited with their rightful families. That got me to thinking, everyone who is without Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior is an orphan, and it is every Christian's job to find the orphans and let them know that their Heavenly Father God wants them back in the family and to no longer be orphans, but heirs (Galations 3:14) to the promise of Abraham (Genesis 17:1-7) with Jesus Christ, His Son.
This blog is one way we all can reach others and tell them about the goodness of God and Jesus Christ and how they too can have eternal life through Him. In John 14:6, Jesus said to him (responding to Thomas' question), I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no one comes to the Father but by Me. This blog is not just for Mitch and Myself, but a way for all of us to reach those that are lost that we may never meet face to face, but by our interaction on this blog we can assist others in seeking Christ, by telling His story through our lives and experiences. In the very next verse (John 14:7), Jesus says, If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also. And from now on you know Him and have seen Him. This same statement that Jesus made should be able to be said by all Christians, if someone knows you, they should also know God and Jesus Christ through your works and actions. Let us all come together to help share Jesus' message to the world.
I pray that this message finds you well and walking in divine favor and health.
Jan 24, 2011
Jan 19, 2011
Standing at Water's Edge
Isn't it funny how God has a way of opening doors for us sometimes when we are hoping they stay shut. God wants us to do something in our lives and though we may here the call we avoid it like the plague due to fear, past hurts, anger, or unresolved emotions.
Many of you that have been reading WH, probably all remember the Lumber Yard post back in December, where I stated God was calling me to resolve some past misunderstandings, judgments, and unresolved emotions (shame) with mentors of my past. I have done so many times in my past I began to drag my feet. Honestly, I wanted to do it, but I believe now that subconsciously I was avoiding it out of fear. Fear of embarrassment, the fear of rejection, fear of judgment from them, and downright shame.
Well you will be happy to know, that like Jonah being swallowed by a whale and taken to Nineveh to spit out on the shore, or like the Hebrews that doubted God but then stood with Moses before a gapping Red Sea with a decision of whether or not to cross, I too was brought to the water's edge then left with a decision.
See Last Monday the guy that first mentored me just suddenly texted me out of the blue. At first I hesitated in calling him back, but after a little prayer I was assured that God would get me through it as he always does. So I picked up my cellphone and called him back. Honestly, I was hoping at first he wouldn't pick up, but then when he finally did; the healing process began.
How great is our God! I left that conversation feeling more alive and on fire for the Lord than I have felt in a long time. Every word that my friend spoke was one of encouragement and healing. When we were finally about to bring it all to an end, he asked if he could pray for me and I said yes. Those words he spoke washed over me and just reassured me that in light of all my failures God still loves me unconditionally and will never leave me nor forsake me.
Now to many of you out there this may seem all a bit coincidental, but the story is not yet over. See about two days or so after that I got a letter in the mail from my second mentor. This was the guy that I connected with when I first arrived here in DC after leaving Ft Campbell. The funny thing if you will, is that he sent the letter on the 24th of December, but due to misdirection and the wrong address it didn't arrive till now. Even more funny is the fact that I hadn't heard from him in quite some time either. Coincidence....I think not.
God is amazing and He will gently place you on the waters edge at different points in your life to see where your heart truly resides. Whether you are standing before Nineveh with disdain, or looking up at the colossal walls of the Red Sea with fear in your heart, God just wants one thing - For us to give our hearts over to His Lordship. To let go of the past, the anger, the fear, and just trust that He will guide you through it all. He opens the door for us and sometimes we just have to step through it to see the truth unfold.
While writing this I reviewed Jonah's prayer and a interesting verse stood out to me:
"What I have vowed I will make good. I will say, ‘Salvation comes from the LORD.’” 10 And the LORD commanded the fish, and it vomited Jonah onto dry land." ~ Jonah 2:9b-10
Once Jonah submitted to God's Lordship, he was released from his bondage, and the Lord sent him forth to continue His work. So ask you today, is there any unresolved issues keeping you from doing what God's called you to do? Is there someone you need to make amends with so that God will open your eyes to your own personal blessing? Do it won't be sorry!!!
Our Prayer:
Dearest Father, may we learn to rely on you in all our ways. May we be convicted to reconciliation with all our brothers and sisters the way we we seek to reconcile with you. Give us wisdom to discern the door as it opens, and the strength to overcome our fear to take that first step. May we bring honor and glory to you forever and ever. AMEN!
Many of you that have been reading WH, probably all remember the Lumber Yard post back in December, where I stated God was calling me to resolve some past misunderstandings, judgments, and unresolved emotions (shame) with mentors of my past. I have done so many times in my past I began to drag my feet. Honestly, I wanted to do it, but I believe now that subconsciously I was avoiding it out of fear. Fear of embarrassment, the fear of rejection, fear of judgment from them, and downright shame.
Well you will be happy to know, that like Jonah being swallowed by a whale and taken to Nineveh to spit out on the shore, or like the Hebrews that doubted God but then stood with Moses before a gapping Red Sea with a decision of whether or not to cross, I too was brought to the water's edge then left with a decision.
See Last Monday the guy that first mentored me just suddenly texted me out of the blue. At first I hesitated in calling him back, but after a little prayer I was assured that God would get me through it as he always does. So I picked up my cellphone and called him back. Honestly, I was hoping at first he wouldn't pick up, but then when he finally did; the healing process began.
How great is our God! I left that conversation feeling more alive and on fire for the Lord than I have felt in a long time. Every word that my friend spoke was one of encouragement and healing. When we were finally about to bring it all to an end, he asked if he could pray for me and I said yes. Those words he spoke washed over me and just reassured me that in light of all my failures God still loves me unconditionally and will never leave me nor forsake me.
Now to many of you out there this may seem all a bit coincidental, but the story is not yet over. See about two days or so after that I got a letter in the mail from my second mentor. This was the guy that I connected with when I first arrived here in DC after leaving Ft Campbell. The funny thing if you will, is that he sent the letter on the 24th of December, but due to misdirection and the wrong address it didn't arrive till now. Even more funny is the fact that I hadn't heard from him in quite some time either. Coincidence....I think not.
God is amazing and He will gently place you on the waters edge at different points in your life to see where your heart truly resides. Whether you are standing before Nineveh with disdain, or looking up at the colossal walls of the Red Sea with fear in your heart, God just wants one thing - For us to give our hearts over to His Lordship. To let go of the past, the anger, the fear, and just trust that He will guide you through it all. He opens the door for us and sometimes we just have to step through it to see the truth unfold.
While writing this I reviewed Jonah's prayer and a interesting verse stood out to me:
"What I have vowed I will make good. I will say, ‘Salvation comes from the LORD.’” 10 And the LORD commanded the fish, and it vomited Jonah onto dry land." ~ Jonah 2:9b-10
Once Jonah submitted to God's Lordship, he was released from his bondage, and the Lord sent him forth to continue His work. So ask you today, is there any unresolved issues keeping you from doing what God's called you to do? Is there someone you need to make amends with so that God will open your eyes to your own personal blessing? Do it won't be sorry!!!
Our Prayer:
Dearest Father, may we learn to rely on you in all our ways. May we be convicted to reconciliation with all our brothers and sisters the way we we seek to reconcile with you. Give us wisdom to discern the door as it opens, and the strength to overcome our fear to take that first step. May we bring honor and glory to you forever and ever. AMEN!
Jan 6, 2011
I was Runnin'
Most of you are probably quite familiar with this week's Title as it is a famous quote from the movie, Forrest Gump. In the movie, Tom Hanks plays the part of Forrest, a simple Alabama man who as a child is struck with scoliosis and must use leg braces to straighten his back. Of course his lack of intelligence and medical condition make him the brunt of many attacks by the local bullies. So one day on his way home from school, the bullies attempt to attack and while trying to get away from yet another attack, he breaks free of his leg braces and comes to the realization that he can run like the wind. He states, that at that point in his life, if he were going somewhere, "I was runnin' ."
I mention this at the dawning of this new year as we begin to think of resolutions and other changes we would like to make in our life. See a visiting pastor made a very strong observation this last Sunday at my church that made me think of this story. He was covering the book of Hebrew's, more specifically chapter 12 verses 1-3. In these first verses, the author states the following:
" 1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart."
Simply put we should be running in our faith. Remember when you first came to know the Lord. I do, what a joyous occasion. I got involved in a church, Bible study, asked a friend to mentor me, and told almost everyone I met about the change in my life. It was like I was running back and forth across the U.S. without stopping. Now almost 8 years later the fire has died down, life has taken hold, and the run has now become more of a brisk walk. I wouldn't say the fire has burned out by any means but I know many of you have probably been through times in life like I have where you feel this is the case. If that is the case for you now, or has been recently I would simply ask you to reread verse 3. For as we ponder the opposition our Lord faced in order that our sins would be eternally paid for, it makes most things we endure seem a bit meaningless.
When we contemplate whether or not we can endure, we simply remember Him, His endurance; and remember that He is here now to help us persevere. So I challenge each of you this year to pick up the set a goal in the Lord. If you haven't been in the Word, then make that your first resolution to get into a daily "quiet time". If prayer is your sore back, then massage it out by asking God daily to show you how (pray). If you are feeling spiritually alone at work and are wondering how you can possibly reach those around you...just start sharing and asking God to present you with opportunities to share more and watch what happens (this is exactly how weekly harvest was born). If you need fellowship, seek it (Ask, Seek, Knock). But above all remember your Lord endured first, so that you could finish the last leg of the race. Run hard, for He awaits you at the finish line.
Interesting Quote I read this week:
"Live in such a way that those who know you but don't know [Christ], will come to know [Christ] because the know you."
~ sign seen in country store in Westminster, Maryland. The word God replaced w/ [Christ] as I feel the same is implied.
My Prayer:
Dearest Father, give me the strength to endure and run the race this year like never before. Show me my weaknesses so that in you they may be grown into strengths. Help those that read this to seek you like never before. I pray we all will be marathon runners in the faith. In Christ's Holy and precious name I pray. Amen!
I mention this at the dawning of this new year as we begin to think of resolutions and other changes we would like to make in our life. See a visiting pastor made a very strong observation this last Sunday at my church that made me think of this story. He was covering the book of Hebrew's, more specifically chapter 12 verses 1-3. In these first verses, the author states the following:
" 1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart."
Simply put we should be running in our faith. Remember when you first came to know the Lord. I do, what a joyous occasion. I got involved in a church, Bible study, asked a friend to mentor me, and told almost everyone I met about the change in my life. It was like I was running back and forth across the U.S. without stopping. Now almost 8 years later the fire has died down, life has taken hold, and the run has now become more of a brisk walk. I wouldn't say the fire has burned out by any means but I know many of you have probably been through times in life like I have where you feel this is the case. If that is the case for you now, or has been recently I would simply ask you to reread verse 3. For as we ponder the opposition our Lord faced in order that our sins would be eternally paid for, it makes most things we endure seem a bit meaningless.
When we contemplate whether or not we can endure, we simply remember Him, His endurance; and remember that He is here now to help us persevere. So I challenge each of you this year to pick up the set a goal in the Lord. If you haven't been in the Word, then make that your first resolution to get into a daily "quiet time". If prayer is your sore back, then massage it out by asking God daily to show you how (pray). If you are feeling spiritually alone at work and are wondering how you can possibly reach those around you...just start sharing and asking God to present you with opportunities to share more and watch what happens (this is exactly how weekly harvest was born). If you need fellowship, seek it (Ask, Seek, Knock). But above all remember your Lord endured first, so that you could finish the last leg of the race. Run hard, for He awaits you at the finish line.
Interesting Quote I read this week:
"Live in such a way that those who know you but don't know [Christ], will come to know [Christ] because the know you."
~ sign seen in country store in Westminster, Maryland. The word God replaced w/ [Christ] as I feel the same is implied.
My Prayer:
Dearest Father, give me the strength to endure and run the race this year like never before. Show me my weaknesses so that in you they may be grown into strengths. Help those that read this to seek you like never before. I pray we all will be marathon runners in the faith. In Christ's Holy and precious name I pray. Amen!