I never wanted to be a "bumper sticker Christian", a person who puts a
sticker on their car to let everyone know who they serve, but then
doesn't necessarily live out that fact in their life. But about a week
ago I got another one of those blindside truths that really struck home.
See I was chatting with a friend of mine and somehow we got around to
discussing living out our faith at work. Like most conversations the
dialog went back and forth when suddenly my friend said something that
floored me. [Paraphrasing here] "When I first met you Mitch I thought
you were one of those angry people. You looked mad all the time. Then
I came up and saw your cube and saw the BUMPER STICKERS (God is Good,
Real men love Jesus) and said to myself this guy is a Christian??? I
need to check this out, maybe my perceptions were wrong….." Needless to
say that was a knife to my chest, little did they know of course.
Isn't it awesome how God works…he uses you and you don't even know it.
Boy was that an eye opener. God has an amazing but subtle way of
pointing out the painful truths in our lives. Though it hurt and still
pains me to think about, it was something I needed to hear. See we are
called to be a light on a hill, the image of Christ, and people are to
rejoice at seeing us – " 74 May those who fear you[God] rejoice when
they see me, for I have put my hope in your word." ~ PS 119:74. But
that has not been the case in my own life apparently (little did I
know), and that is something that needs to change.
I share this as a testimony, so that hopefully you will not be
blindsided in such a way. Let's prayerfully consider our walk and how
that is being reflected to others. Encourage your siblings in Christ to
be honest with you from time to time and share those areas you can't
see. Finally, if you have a Bumper Sticker ID anywhere, do your best to
live out what the sticker says.
My prayer:
God I am deeply sorry for how I have portrayed you to others. Please
forgive me, and guide me in being a reflection of Christ to all that I
meet. May my life be a testimony to others and may my actions glorify
your kingdom. Forever and ever….AMEN!
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