Oct 22, 2010

Full Moon

Wow!!! Did you see that moon this morning…it was gorgeous.
I was walking out to my car this morning, praying for God to give me
some insight into what the "Weekly Harvest" should be this week, when
low and behold there it was like a bright Morning Star. Then about 5
mins into my journey to work I hear these words coming across the
airwaves – "I'm giving my life to the only one who makes the Moon
reflect the sun. On that Starry Night, He changed my life." ~ Chris
August – Starry Night.

So that got me to thinking how much the relationship between the moon
and the sun represents our relationship with God. We of course are the
moon and Jesus Christ is the Son (or in this case the Sun). When the
moon is full the nights are bright, much like when we completely
surrender our lives and are living in full obedience to God – reflecting
the Full light of Christ. However, like the moon many of us are a slave
to our sin (the world) and many times circum to its gravitational forces
getting pulled this way and that until the light is just a glimmer
(Crescent) or sometimes not reflected at all (New Moon).

Oct 15, 2010

Bumper Sticker ID

I never wanted to be a "bumper sticker Christian", a person who puts a
sticker on their car to let everyone know who they serve, but then
doesn't necessarily live out that fact in their life. But about a week
ago I got another one of those blindside truths that really struck home.

See I was chatting with a friend of mine and somehow we got around to
discussing living out our faith at work. Like most conversations the
dialog went back and forth when suddenly my friend said something that
floored me. [Paraphrasing here] "When I first met you Mitch I thought
you were one of those angry people. You looked mad all the time. Then
I came up and saw your cube and saw the BUMPER STICKERS (God is Good,
Real men love Jesus) and said to myself this guy is a Christian??? I
need to check this out, maybe my perceptions were wrong….." Needless to
say that was a knife to my chest, little did they know of course.

Isn't it awesome how God works…he uses you and you don't even know it.

Oct 7, 2010

Going through the motions

Do you ever find yourself spiritually just going through the

Went to church this week….check, read my bible today….check, said a few

Me too. I think we all come to those points, at different times in our
spiritual walk, where we feel like we are just going through the
motions. The thing to remember most of all in these type of moments, is
to draw closer to God in all aspects of our lives, not push Him away.
Many times in hardships or trials we get a bit sanctimonious and think
we don't deserve something or ask "Why is this happening to me???"
simply because we feel we are doing all the right things (all the boxes
are checked).