Sep 24, 2010

Run Awaaaaaay!!!

How many of you have ever seen Monty Python's "Holy Grail"? If you
have, then you probably remember that famous and funny quote, "Run away,
knights…Run awaaaaaay!"

I found this quote ringing in my ears this morning as I was praying
about what to write. See the last couple of weeks at my church we have
been going over the Book of Jonah, and personally at home I have been
reading the book entitled, "The Hole in the Our Gospel" by Richard
Sterns. In both these stories the men are faced with a serious
challenges – are you willing to do God's will no matter what the cost.

With Jonah, his personal feelings towards the Ninevite's got in the way,
because he felt that such deplorable people were outside of God's grace
and that they should not even be given a chance to redeem
themselves….and so he ran. With Richard Sterns, his comfort zone got in
the way, as he reflects on leaving a million dollar job as CEO of Lenox
(upscale fine china distro) to follow God's call to be the President of
World Vision. Giving up the money, the comfort, the perfect house,
wonderful schools, and in his mind the perfect life - did not make since
in order to travel around the world to various third world countries in
the hope of saving lives….and so he ran.

So I ask a possibly daunting question this morning. Are you running or
are you standing in the gap? Has God ask you to do anything that you
are shaking your head "no" to? I know, and have shared previously, that
I have ran in the past. But I can also tell you that turning to face
the challenge is enlightening. Jonah saved an entire race of people,
Richard Sterns is still actively aiding young boys and girls all over
the world today, and there have been and will be many others. Don't
think you are too weak in your faith, not sound enough in the Word, or
any number of other excuses that may pop up. Just remember this verse
- 27But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God
chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong." – 1 Cor 1:27.

Who is God calling you to talk to, help, or share with today?

My prayer today:

 God help each of us stand in the gap. Help us all to see your mighty
will and step out in faith and not turn and run. I pray that you will
give us: the strength to stand up against oppression; the courage to
overcome our fears; and the dedication to serve you boldly. In Christ's
mighty and precious name I pray. AMEN!

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